Warren Spector, le game designer et scénariste de Deus Ex et Deus Ex: Invisible War, répond aux questions de CVG à propos de ce dernier (et de pas mal de points de game design sans grand rapport avec Deus Ex). Warren Spector dit notamment qu’il est très content du travail réalisé sur Invisible War, mais qu’il y a quand même des petits trucs qui le tracassent :

There are some obvious things that we know we want to do better next time. I think we can do – I probably shouldn’t be specific because there’s a PR person around… Our characters, you know, are still mannequins. We’ve got to be better… I mean, as an industry we’ve go to be better with characters. Half-Life 2 is certainly going in the right direction but there’s plenty more we can do beyond even what Valve is doing.

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