Non pas une, mais deux. Oui monsieur, j’ai bien dis deux… deux interviews de Digital Extreme ; et tout ça pour une bouchée de pain, oui. Le site Bombardiers a interviewé Juan Pancho Eekels (designer en chef) à propos d’UT2003 et du prochain bonus pack (non ça n’est pas Unreal 2, mauvaises langues) : celui-ci devrait sortir avant Noël. Le reste de l’interview est axée sur le mod Bombing Run : Bombing Run is seen as one of UT2003’s groundbreaking new features. Do you think upcoming multiplayer FPS’s such as any future multiplayer Unreal games (and the next inevitable Quake sequel) will contain game types inspired by Bombing Run?

Digital Extremes: Time will tell. (Team)DeathMatch and Capture the Flag have been around for so long and has such an established fan base (for good reason!) that it will be awhile before Bombing Run can catch up. That said, I think it has a very good chance to become another popular game type that other games could pick up on or a modified version of it.

La deuxième interview se trouve chez Gaming Invasion et elle est toute aussi interressante.

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