Le boss de Nexon America, le nouvel éditeur d’Extraction (ex Dirty Bomb, le prochain FPS F2P de Splash Damage), tente de vous faire croire qu’ils ont décidé de financer le jeu sans réfléchir une seconde à comment le rentabiliser :

“Here’s the funny thing, when people say Splash Damage is working with Nexon, the first thing they ask is, ‘what items will you sell?’. And I always say I don’t know. It really depends on the DNA of that particular game and the relationship that you want to have with the consumer and the vision for that service or product. With Extraction, we actually haven’t had conversations about what we’re going to monetize, we haven’t even talked about the shop, because the first thing you have to do is get the game down. And once the DNA of the game is set then we can talk about how to deliver more value through monetization.”

Un peu plus haut dans l’interview, le même se plaignait que les joueurs considèrent toujours les jeux Nexon comme des pay2win. Étonnant.

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