VALVe commence à décrire le contenu de la prochaine mise à jour pour TF2 intitulée Two Cities. Elle contiendra de nouvelles cartes, de nouveaux succès, de nouveaux chapeaux et ainsi de suite. N’ayant pas touché au jeu depuis qu’il a été racheté par, je ne comprends strictement rien à sa description dont voici un extrait :

The loot you’ll get from completing a Tour of Duty will work a bit differently for the Two Cities Tour. Completing a Two Cities Tour automatically grants you a Killstreak Kit, which you can apply to any weapon to transform it into a Killstreak weapon. Completing the Tour also grants you a fabricator and spare parts that you can use to craft progressively rarer Killstreak Kits, which will add cool visual effects to your weapon and eventually even your character.

Finishing a Two Cities Tour might even get you one of the most exceedingly, some might say preposterously rare items in the game: the Australium weapon. (Hushed silence. Then, from the back, a lone slow clap. Then: thunderous applause.)

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