Le patch 0.1.848.0 pour Tribes Ascend devrait sortir aujourd’hui (si ce n’est déjà fait à l’heure où vous lirez ces lignes). Le changelog complet indique plein de changements. Petit florilège :

– Sunstar, a new Capture the Flag map,has been added to the Quick Play rotation. Note that this map is not in its final design or art state.
– Temple Ruins, a Capture the Flag map, has been added back to the Quick Play rotation after significant revisions. Note that this map is not in its final design or art state.
– The European server region has been split into two regions in order for users to better select the region that gives them the best performance: Europe – London and Europe – Amsterdam.
– A variety of physics changes have been made in order to fix several issues impacting the fluidity of movement. This includes the elimination of several items that would cause deadstops and hitches, as well as a bug that would allow you to ski/jet along the boundary wall. Changes were also made in order to fix a few issues that would occur when traveling up steep hills. Additional improvements are planned for future releases.
– Users may now choose to turn off unwanted HUD elements using the SETTINGS menu.
– User settings are now stored server-side. Settings may be reset as a result of this patch, but future patches should not have to reset bindings, etc.
– The Impact Nitron grenade will force you to drop the flag if it is used for self-damage.
– Increased Heavy run speed by 20%.
– Increased maximum reduction of weapon switch time on the Quick Draw perk from 20% to 50%.
– Modified inheritance on the Grenade Launcher (now 50%).
– The cost of the Tactical strike was increased to 4000 credits from 3500.

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