BrutalGamer a une excellente interview pleine d’infos et de nouveaux détails sur Brink, qu’on vous encourage à aller lire illico. Un petit extrait :

BG: In regards to spawn camping. It can be a huge problem; you mentioned Splash Damage is taking measures to alleviate this. Can you elaborate?

NA: I’m not sure I should let you know exactly what we do as we don’t want people gaming it. We have spawn turrets that you would see in games like Killzone 2, except ours can’t be blown up. They are completely invulnerable and incredibly powerful. You don’t really have any chance to react to them you’re just taken down. The problem with that is that it gets where [the player] is spawning is safe but what you can always do is defend the next choke point back from there. If you’ve got eight people all concentrating their fire down a couple of hallways the other people are not going to be able to get out unless they are incredibly well co-ordinated and thrown a couple of flashbangs and all rush out.

The other thing we do is we have this hidden invulnerability that I’ve never talked about. Basically until you fire or are in a responder’s area you’re invulnerable. We can define where and how long it lasts from when you leave the spawn area. So we can give you a couple of seconds to get around that first corner knowing that those guys are sniping. We’ve been careful to make that something we can change maybe later if there are problems when the game gets out in the wild.

Il y a aussi une preview chez RPS, une vidéo dégueux chez Dtoid et une une interview affligeante de banalité chez VG247.

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