Epic Games annonce que Microsoft Game Studios a acheté une licence de l’Unreal Engine 3, dans le but de décorer son bureau. Ah, et aussi pour développer plein de jeux, a priori sur PC mais aussi et surtout sur Xbox 2. Non, aucun titre de jeu n’a été annoncé pour l’instant (Halo 3 ?).[–SUITE–]Le communiqué de presse :

Epic Games, one of the world’s leading developers of cutting-edge computer and video games and the pioneer of the award-winning Unreal® Engine, today announced that its Unreal Engine 3 technology and tools will be used in games developed by and published by Microsoft Game Studios. Earlier this year, Epic became an official licensed tool and middleware provider for the next generation Xbox® platform, and its partnership with Microsoft Game Studios further demonstrates its commitment to meet the challenges of developing for next generation hardware, and to deliver tools and technology that empower the development and publishing communities to efficiently deliver high quality, unique content.

In using Unreal Engine 3, the Microsoft Game Studios team will be able to truly exploit the unique hardware features of the next generation Xbox platform and harness the enormous power that its team has at its disposal.

« We only work with the best partners and utilize the best technologies, and Epic and the Unreal Engine 3 hit the mark on both those fronts, » said Shane Kim, General Manager, Microsoft Game Studios. « Our teams are creating incredible games and content for the next generation Xbox platform, and by integrating Unreal Engine 3 into our development infrastructure we are able to really maximize our teams’ performance and deliver the quality content and creativity that the market has come to expect from us. »

Mark Rein, vice president of Epic Games agrees, « We are hugely excited that Microsoft Game Studios have selected Unreal Engine 3 for its next generation Xbox platform games. It’s an opportunity for us to show the industry the true capabilities of our tools and technologies and is a testament to the incredible amount of hard work by our teams here to deliver tools and technologies that are 100% tuned into the needs of next generation development. It further demonstrates our ability to deliver the most flexible, most productive tools and technology in the market today. »

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