mini 2005 02 12 20050212 hl2ctf1Source Of Doom nous informe que la toute première alpha du mod HL2CTF vient de sortir (seulement 26Mo). A priori, il y a seulement deux cartes et c’est vraiment une alpha de chez alpha. Vous trouverez quelques screenshots format timbre poste, toujours chez SourceOfDoom. Pour lire le readme.txt : [–SUITE–]

HL2CTF Alpha
Public Alph


This readme file will give you a quick crash course in all the basics of running HL2CTF.

Server Cvars
ctf_capturelimit – sets how many captures are needed to win, default 8
ctf_arenamode – default 0, if set to 1 then players spawn with all weapons

Loading a map

To load a map, type map in the console. For example, to load the map ctf_export, type map ctf_export. If the server is already running,
use the changelevel command to change the map. For example, use changelevel ctf_export.

Joining a team

Use ‘chooseteam’ in the console. You can bind a key to this in the console by typing « bind x chooseteam ». The default key is F2.

Taking the flag

The two flags will spawn on the map. After you’ve joined a team, you can grab one and take it to the other one to score a capture. If you die while holding the flag, you will drop it. If the flag falls into certain unreachable areas, it will be returned to base.

HUD Explained

The CTF additions to the hud show the current score, the status of the flags, and indicators for if you’re carrying the flag. If you are carrying the flag, you will see an icon of a player holding a flag in the top right corner of the screen. The flag indicators on the left middle of the screen have 3 states. If the flag looks normal, that means the flag is at base. If the flag is crooked, that means the flag has been dropped somewhere on the map. If the icon shows a player holding the flag, that means the flag is being carried by a player.


Your team scores 1 point for each flag capture. You get 1 point every time you kill an enemy player. The capture limit is controlled by the ctf_capturelimit cvar. By default it is set to 8, but you can modify it. Setting it to zero means no capture limit,


Powerups are planned, but are not yet implemented.

Mapping Entities
These entities spawn the flag:

ctf_return_flag is a trigger that will return the flag to base

CTF Team spawn points are


In order you make maps for HL2CTF, you need the FGD file that contains all the map entity definitions. You can download this from the HL2CTF website.

We want to hear about everything! Any errors or warnings you get in the console, and missing sounds or textures you find, let us know!

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